Opus 7 Vocal Ensemble

the group sings beautifully to a member, no matter what is set before them
— Sasquatch Books, The Stranger Guide to Seattle, June, 2000

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There is Sweet Music

Saturday, May 10th, 2025 @ 7:30 pm
University Congregational Church
4515 - 16th Ave NE, Seattle
Opus 7 Vocal Ensemble
Loren W. Pontén, founder & artistic director
Dwight Beckmeyer, piano
Cecilia Archuleta & Emily Pontén-May, violin
Immerse yourself in the beauty and richness of choral singing with Opus 7 at its 31st concert-season opener, There Is Sweet Music. Known for its glorious sound, ardent musicality, and technical ambition, this critically acclaimed group is pleased to present an unforgettable evening of music for choir, including pieces with piano and two violins. The concert includes an array of choral treasures by Edward Elgar, and music by Gerald Finzi, Northwest composers John David Earnest, Bern Herbolsheimer, Robert Scandrett and Opus 7’s composer-in-residence John Muehleisen; and winners of our annual Robert Scandrett Memorial Student Composer Competition.
Please visit our Facebook page Opus7Seattle, or our instagram page @opus7vocalensemble for more information.

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