Opus 7 Robert Scandrett Memorial Award
Student Composer Awards Program
The Seattle-based Opus 7 Vocal Ensemble Robert Scandrett Memorial Award recognizes and fosters the composition and public performance of choral works by talented young composers based on submitted works.
Applications are accepted from students who are currently enrolled as of the deadline date or academic school year in Universities, Colleges or High Schools during the 2024-2025 school year throughout the Northwest Region, including Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, and British Columbia.
Robert Scandrett was Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at Western Washington University for nearly 30 years, conductor the Seattle Symphony Chorale for many years, and, after retiring from both positions, was the choral director at University Congregational Church in Seattle and sang with Opus 7. A prolific choral composer, he remained tirelessly interested in education and partnered with Loren Pontén and composer John Muehleisen to start a student composition awards program with Opus 7 in 2000 resulting in the first “All Northwest” Opus 7 concert.
This program is open ONLY to students currently enrolled in high School, undergraduate, or graduate degree programs. Students must submit proof of being a student in the application process.

2024 Robert Scandrett Memorial Award: How to Apply
- Files uploaded to your cloud-based storage:
- Required Submission Materials: Upload to your personal cloud-based storage (Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox, or other reputable cloud-based storage site) (1) a digitally engraved PDF of your score, (2) an audio recording (MIDI or live) of your composition, (3) a one-page resume, and (4) a list of your compositions.
- Optional at the time of submission, required if you are selected as a winner: (1) High-resolution headshot; (2) 150-200 word program notes; (3) a 125-word bio; and (4) a list of up to 5 media contacts you would like notified if you are selected as a winner.
- Create a shareable link to this drive and copy the link.
- Follow this link to fill out the online application.
- At the end of the application form, paste the link to your cloud-based storage with your uploaded files.
Composition and Submission Guidelines and Rules
- AWARDS: Winners receive a framed signed certificate, a public performance by Opus 7, and a cash award as follows: $700 (Graduate level), $500 (Undergraduate level), and $300 (High School level).
- Works must be at least 3 minutes, and no longer than 5 minutes in duration.
- Works submitted should be in keeping with “classical” or “serious” choral art-music style and tradition but may also incorporate elements of jazz. Works in pop or show-choir style are not eligible.
- Composers may submit one or more existing works and/or may compose a new composition. Existing works that have not yet received a public performance are also eligible for submission. If submitting more than one work, you must identify the order in which they should be reviewed.
- Compositions must be entirely by the applying student composer.
- Composers may submit works for either of the following combinations:
- A cappella choir (up to SSAATTBB), or
- Choir with piano (up to SSAATTBB).
- Legible and performance-ready printable PDF score is required for each work submitted.
- All texts must be in public domain or include written permission with your submission from the copyright holder of the text.
- Composers who do not receive an award this year may re-enter their submission(s) and/or submit new material during a future award cycle.
- Composers who have received awards in the past may enter another score when they are eligible for the next submission category level (e.g., if someone was a winner in the high school category, they can resubmit when they are an undergraduate, or an undergraduate winner may submit a new score when they are a graduate student).
- All Review Panel decisions are final. Opus 7 reserves the right to withhold awards in any or all of the three categories if suitable entries are not received.
- Opus 7 will pay for the cost of photocopying scores chosen for public performance.
Schedule and Timeline of Award
February 1, 2025
March 1, 2025
Week of May 10, 2025
May 10, 2025
Deadline for receipt of all materials
Announcement of award winners
Final concert rehearsals (student composers encouraged to attend if possible)
Performance of student works and presentation of awards as part of Opus 7’s 2025 “There is Sweet Music” concert at University Congregational United Church of Christ. All winners are strongly encouraged to attend the concert and to participate in the pre-concert lecture with other composers featured on the program.
Additional Questions?
For any additional questions, please email the Student Composer Competition Committee: studentcomposercommittee@opus7.org